Hire a Personal Trainer to Help You Avoid These Gym Injuries

When you have a set of clear fitness goals, and you buy a gym membership and begin working out, the last thing you want is to experience an injury that curtails your progress. Workout injuries can occur for a number of reasons, but the common trait that they all share is that they'll prevent you from exercising until you're feeling better. Many gym injuries are preventable — and you'll find yourself less at risk of getting hurt if you work out under the care of a personal trainer. While there are a number of reasons that hiring a trainer is a smart move, here are some gym injuries that you can likely avoid under a trainer's care.

Improper Form Injuries

It's possible to injure yourself in the blink of an eye by using improper form when you exercise. While you might know the basics of an exercise, you might not be privy to the fine details of how to position your body. For example, you might be performing bicep curls with a barbell but failing to keep your body in an upright position. If you're leaned over while performing this exercise, the strain on your back can be significant — and this might lead to a herniated disc. Your personal trainer will ensure that you use the proper form for each exercise rep, thus lessening your risk of an injury.

Muscle Overuse Injuries

It might seem to make sense that if you want to strengthen a particular muscle, you should work it regularly. While this theory is partially true, muscles also need some rest. Performing the same exercise in large amounts, day after day, can lead to an overuse injury. For example, if you're performing several sets of push-ups each day at the gym, your pectoral muscles won't have time to heal between workouts. You might be putting yourself at risk of a muscle tear. Your personal trainer will draft up a proper workout routine that alternates the focus on different muscle groups to allow adequate recovery time.

Solo Workout Injuries

Your risk of getting injured at the gym can increase when you're performing exercises on your own that call for a second person. The bench press, for example, should always involve two people — one person performing the exercise and another person spotting him or her. Your personal trainer will always play the role of spotter, staying next to you throughout your workout to provide assistance in any way.

For more information about how a personal trainer can ensure you achieve your fitness goals without injury, talk to a company like Her Personal Training.
